Eagles have enquired about trading up to number one pick


There have been a lot of rumors flying around the NFL recently as Draft day approaches and like last year the Eagles find themselves in the spotlight. After rumors started to emerge that the team were indeed enquiring about a top pick in the draft, the headlines soon followed. But Ian Rapoport has confirmed that the Eagles have infact had “exploratory talks” with the Titans.

The “belief” that the Eagles would have to trade up in order to find a franchise Quarterback is a debate that has been raging on for quite some time now and one that’s only going to intensify as time goes on, but the information should come as no surprise.

The Eagles have focused a lot of their time and resources over the past month on scouting and getting to know the top Quarterback prospects in this years draft. From pre-draft visits to attending pro days, private workouts to going out for dinner..the birds have made it clear that they are certainly in play for a top Quarterback prospect in this years draft.

Running back Ezekiel Elliott had his pre-draft meeting with the Eagles today so perhaps that will alter the direction the Eagles look to be heading. There are countless possibilities here. If the Eagles are serious about a trade then it becomes a case of “who are they trading up to take and what are they losing to get him? How much are you willing to trade away to take what you personally see as a franchise player?”

The Titans are reportedly open to trading their number one pick and who could blame them? The question is, how much do they want for it? It’s ironic that many thought the “Chip Kelly era” would truly start with the arrival of Marcus Mariota in Philadelphia. To get to him however, the Eagles would need to trade up to a pick held by the Titans. 12 months later, history may well be repeating itself on a slightly smaller scale.

The Eagles Quarterback tour may have come to an end..but their road to the draft has only just begun. Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy few weeks.