Aaron Nola steals show in unlucky loss

Th Phillies may have seen their impressive four game winning streak come to a halt last night, but there were plenty of positives to take from a 1-0 loss against the Rays, mainly because of rookie Aaron Nola making his debut and impressing throughout.

The loss itself wasn’t that impressive. The Phils were only able to score four hits, one of them coming from the top pitching prospect. But they only allowed one run, a homer by Nathan Karns who scored his first career homer on Nola.

However, the debutant lived up to the all of the expectations and hype, striking out six batsmen in six innings whilst only allowing one run.

The 22-year-old had plenty of highlights including striking out a man in the fifth when there were two others on base.It may not make every highlight reel, but it demonstrated just how any qualities this right hander possesses.

The Phils are no doubt in a rut right now, with a painful situation and an even more painful record, it’s a very nice change to report on a gleaming positive as opposed to the Hamels trade rumours or yet another loss.

The number 7 overall pick last year is widely touted to replace Hamels should a trade be completed, with jersey sales increasing and ticket prices also, this wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world..the Phils may just have their future SP in Aaron Nola.