Tortorella prioritizes ‘accountability’ with Flyers

Flyers' John Tortorella
VOORHEES, PA – JULY 14: Flyers head coach John Tortorella watches development camp behind the netting at the Flyers Training Center on July 14, 2022 in Voorhees NJ. (Photo by Andy Lewis/Icon Sportswire)
(Photo by Andy Lewis/Icon Sportswire)

John Tortorella was a guest on Sirius XM NHL Network Radio on Wednesday. When asked about the evolution of the locker room post-Claude Giroux, and if the Philadelphia Flyers need to name a new captain, Tortorella did not hold back in his response:

“Let’s go with the latter question. I’m in no rush to name a captain, so, that’s that. As far as the room, I have major concerns about the room, as far as, I’ve spent the summer going back and forth, I live in New York, I’ve been going back and forth to Philly trying to relocate there, but spent some time in the office talking to players, talking to personnel, talking to Chuck, and I have concerns about what goes on in there. Before we even step on the ice, situations and standards and accountability in the room is forefront. You can’t get squat done on the ice until you get your room straightened out, and I think we have a little bit of work to do there.”

John Tortorella; 9/8/2022

The Flyers are one of seven teams currently without a captain. Although there are viable options in the locker room for the next player to wear the “C”, naming the twentieth captain in franchise history is the least of Tortorella’s worries at the moment.

Remembering June

When Tortorella was hired in June, he said almost the same thing regarding issues in the locker room. In an interview with Taryn Hatcher, Tortorella said the locker room is “splintered.”

“I can sense that the locker room is a bit splintered, it’s not together. That’s my number one goal right now. We can’t do anything right on the ice unless we’re together in that locker room.”

John Tortorella; 6/23/2022

Accountability in 2022-2023

Accountability will be a focal point for Tortorella and Philadelphia in 2022-2023. During exit interviews in April, Scott Laughton stressed that the players need to take a hard look in the mirror after what happened the last two seasons.

“I think every guy’s got to take a hard look in the mirror this summer and see what went wrong in their game individually to try and help the team, and that’s when it really comes together. These last two years, I don’t think we’ve necessarily played good hockey or been a hard hockey team to play against. That’s what we have to get back to, especially in Philly at the Wells Fargo in front of your fans.”

Scott Laughton; 4/30/2022

Tortorella was hired to right the ship and make Philadelphia a competitive team again. He’s ready to push his new players, physically and mentally, during training camp.

“Like I told Chuck: ‘I don’t want you to give me a bunch of information about the players.’ It’s important that I see it. When I start camp with them, they’re going to go through a number of different mental exercises, physical exercises that is going to test them, see what they are, and I need to make my own thoughts in my head as far as what these guys are about.”

John Tortorella; 6/20/2022

(Photo by Andy Lewis/Icon Sportswire)