Wednesday Night Wars: AEW vs NXT Week 6

Screenshot 2019-11-08 at 18.14.21

WWE NXT; Full Sail University

The OC invade NXT after the battle lines had been drawn when NXT invaded RAW and Smackdown. Backstage, The OC attacked The Undisputed Era. They make their way to the ring and AJ Styles is on the microphone and says that they are “bringing the war to you” regarding NXT. Styles says “that is not just phenomenal, that is undisputed.” Tommaso Ciampa makes an entrance and welcomes The OC to “the main roster” at NXT.

Tommaso Ciampa speaks the truth when he calls NXT “the show.” Keith Lee and Matt Riddle join Ciampa to even the odds against The OC. Ciampa, alongside Riddle and Lee challenges The OC and it’s accepted by AJ Styles.

1) “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne vs “The Archer of Infamy” Damian Priest

Dunne and Priest trade reversals of finishing moves in the early stages of the match. Priest gets the first near fall of the match after a Falcon Arrow for a two count. Eventually, Dunne gets on the offensive, landing a high kick to the side of Priest’s head, forcing him to roll to the outside of the ring. Dunne connects with a Diving Moonsault to the outside of the ring, but Priest ends up turning the tide with a Chokeslam onto the ring apron. Back into the ring, Dunne connects with a Sit-Out Powerbomb for a two count.

The action moves back to the outside of the ring and Priest connects with a Springboard Tope Con Hilo on Dunne. Back in the ring, Priest does a Crucifix Powerbomb for a two count. Priest taunts Dunne, but Dunne grabs the fingers and does the Finger Wishbone after returning a previous receipt with a low blow when the referee’s view was obstructed. Dunne taps Priest in the Cross Armbreaker.

Winner: Pete Dunne

Killian Dain attacks Pete Dunne after the match from behind. Dain leaves Dunne laying after a Vader Bomb. Damian Priest gets shoved into the ring steps and then takes a Cannonball from Dain.

Backstage, Dakota Kai is interviewed. She replied to Shayna Baszler saying that Kai would be a “waste of a pick” as a teammate for War Games. Kai admits that she was at one time intimidated by Baszler, but came back from her injury with more aggression and fire. Kai says “we’ll see what she says after I kick in her face off tonight.”

2) Taynara vs Santana Garrett

Garrett hits the first offensive maneuver of the match, a Russian Leg Sweep, for a two count. Taynara answers with a Running Knee while Garrett was in the ropes. Following the knee, Taynara does a succession of Judo Throws before locking the Rings of Saturn, but Garrett escapes. Garrett goes for a Handspring Moonsault but missed. Taynara hits a Pump Kick on Garrett for the pinfall.

Winner: Taynara

3) “The Captain of Team Kick” Dakota Kai vs “The Submission Magician” Shayna Baszler

Kai spent the early part of this match trying to get inside the head of Baszler. Baszler assumed control on offense when Kai went for a Running Kick on the apron but was thrown into the ring post. The braced knee of Kai was the focal point as Baszler put Kai in a Leglock. Kai was able to connect with a Pendulum Knee for a two count, but Baszler would answer back with a Gutwrench Superplex for a two count. Both competitors exchanged strikes, which was impressive.

Baszler was hit with the Kaio Kick and Kai attempted the GTK, but Baszler escaped and hit a Running Knee. The first time, Kai escaped the Kirifuda Clutch, but couldn’t the second time and tapped out.

Winner: Shayna Baszler

Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir attack Dakota Kai post-match. Team Baszler and Team Ripley fight each other. Mia Yim comes down to the ring with a kendo stick and just unleashes on everyone on Team Baszler. It looks like Rhea Ripley will be choosing between Dakota Kai and Mia Yim.

4) “The Premier Athlete” Tony Nese vs Angel Garza

This match determines the number one contender for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. Garza goes on the advantage with a Clothesline and on the outside of the ring, Garza hits a Diving Moonsault on Nese. Back in the ring, Nese hit a Pumphandle Sitout Slam for a two count. Nese tries the same move again, but Garza reverses into a Lungblower. On the outside of the ring, Nese hits a DDT and rolls Garza back into the ring again for the 450 Splash for a two count.

Garza goes for his Springboard Moonsault, but Nese moved out of the way and Garza landed on his feet. Nese played right into Garza’s hands and Garza nailed the Wing Clipper for the pinfall.

Winner: Angel Garza

After the match, Lio Rush comes out to shake the hand of Angel Garza. Garza slaps Rush right in the mouth.

Backstage, Rhea Ripley is walking with Mia Yim, Tegan Nox, Dakota Kai, and Candice LeRae. She reveals her fourth member to be Yim. Ripley tells Kai she “didn’t make the cut” in an apology. Kai is disappointed and says “Mia, you earned it.”

5) Isiah “Swerve” Scott vs Dominik Dijakovic

Dijakovic controlled the earlier stages of the match, cornering Scott with strikes. Scott spiked Dijakovic with a DDT out of the corner for a two count and then reversed the Feast Your Eyes into a Schoolboy Pin for a two count. The offense went back to Dijakovic who was able to connect with a Sit-Out Chokebomb for a near fall. Dijakovic went for the same move again, but Scott reversed it into a Poisonrana. Scott followed with a Diving Double Foot Stomp on Dijakovic who was laying on the ring apron.

Scott made Dijakovic flip with a Discus Clothesline and Dijakovic returned the favor with one of his own. Very quickly, Scott connected with a Diving Foot Stomp on Dijakovic and seemed to be going for the win. Dijakovic found a way to connect with Feast Your Eyes for the pinfall.

Winner: Dominik Dijakovic

Main Event: The OC vs “The Original Bro” Matt Riddle, “Limitless” Keith Lee, “Blackheart” Tommaso Ciampa

Both teams begin with an all-out brawl on the outside of the ring until AJ Styles and Ciampa get into the ring and the bell rings. Styles hits a Phenomenal Forearm on the outside intended for Ciampa, but on Riddle. Ciampa does hit the Widow’s Bell on Styles for a two count early on. Lee is tagged in as is Luke Gallows. Gallows doesn’t win the test of strength against Lee, so he makes a tag to Karl Anderson.

Lee hits the Standing Crossbody on Karl Anderson as Anderson comes running off the ropes. Ciampa is tagged in and Anderson hits a Spinebuster before tagging out to Luke Gallows. The OC plans to isolate Ciampa with quick tags as Anderson is tagged back in. Anderson catches a knee to the face courtesy of Ciampa, who tags in Riddle. Anderson tags in AJ Styles and Riddle hits the Exploder Suplex and Broton Bomb on both Styles and Anderson.

Riddle hits the Final Flash and Bro To Sleep on AJ Styles for a two count when Luke Gallows makes the save. Styles answers back with a Brainbuster for a near fall. A Phenomenal Forearm misses Riddle and Lee hits the Pounce on Styles, which sends Styles flying into the referee. Ciampa connects with a Running Knee while Styles is seated in the corner of the ring. He has Styles in position for the Fairytale Ending, but Finn Balor makes an entrance.

Finn Balor hits the Impaler DDT on Riddle at the entrance ramp. It seems that AJ Styles and Balor are on the same page, but Adam Cole runs in and Superkicks Styles. Cole also hits the Last Shot on Ciampa. NXT goes off the air with Balor standing on the entrance ramp, looking back into the ring at Cole. We’re still unsure if Balor is with The OC, The Undisputed Era, or on his own.

Winner: No Contest

Continued on the page below.