Happy new year: A thank you from all of us at PSN


I wanted to start this big page of sap by wishing you all a Happy new year. Whether you love our content, despise it or are simply clicking on a link because you saw it on Twitter, I genuinely wish nothing but the best for you after the pair of years we’ve all had to work through as a society.

This might not be the most professional thing in the world, but I always like to to pour my heart out at the end of the year to tell you all where I’m at, how I’m feeling, and obviously what’s next for the site you’re reading it on. To me, there’s no PSN without you and you’re just as important to this journey as me or any of our writers. I’ll always try to share every high and low with you because you’ve been such an important part of our growth since 2015. Anything we do, we do together.

There’s a really wholesome bond that separates PSN from other sites. We care about our readers and followers more than most and I’m not saying that out of a place of anger, nor am I taking any shots. But we put a lot of effort in to make sure the content you consume is the best it can be. That it’s not going to enrage you with clickbait or provide substanceless copy-and-paste information from elsewhere. We love hearing your thoughts, we adore the twitter arguments, and simply wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for the ratios, memes, and chaos.

l’ll be going into year #8 covering the Philadelphia Eagles and running Philly Sports Network. I’ve learned a lot about myself in that time and a lot more about the sports media industry. In 2021, those lessons were amplified. We had our biggest and most successful year yet, but it came at a cost. I wasn’t able to upload to YouTube anywhere near as much as I would’ve liked, I burned myself out earlier in the year, and Twitch streaming had to be placed on the back burner while I figured out how to rebalance my life and also keep the throttle down on written content for our site which was snowballing in growth.

With the help of those around me and my family of writers, I learned to take time for myself and that it was okay to have a day off every once in a while. I learned that no matter what happens, my biggest priority running PSN is always going to be to give those stars the platform they deserve and provide them with as many opportunities as I can.

A lot of work places say they’re a family. Then you get there and end up in a glorified episode of Sex and the City. Our writers are our heart and soul and they’ll always be treated as such. Being able to host an award show where we all dress up just to celebrate their success in front of you means absolutely everything to me. Thank you for sharing that night with me.

PSN will always be a place where anyone is welcome. It’s more than just a site. It’s bigger than just a blog. It’s a community, and it’s a home.

There are going to be some exciting announcements coming every soon. I can’t reveal exactly what they are just yet, but those who follow me on twitter will be more than aware that something pretty huge is cooking. It’s something that won’t only change my life, but the lives of our writers and the product we can give to you. It will enhance the way you engage in your passion for your favorite sports teams, and hopefully continue to blur the line between reader and writer. We want to continue to build this together and because of your support, we’re now in a position to take the kind of leap that always felt like a daydream away.

We’re not a media company. We didn’t get credentials for this game or that game. Liam’s not even in the States. Stick to soccer. His hair is too floppy. His teeth are weird. His voice is annoying.

I heard it all again..and again…and again. But in 2022, you’ll hear us.

This next chapter is going to be an immense ride that will change lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to trust in me and ride this ship all the way up. It’s been bumpy at times, but we made it. 2022 is our way of saying thank you.

This is for you.